Category: News

  • Top 10 Biggest Scandals In Cryptocurrency



    Cryptocurrency has emerged as a revolutionary technology that promises to disrupt traditional financial systems. While the industry has seen tremendous growth over the years, it has also been marred by several controversies and scandals. From exchange hacks and market manipulations to Ponzi schemes, and the latest FTX collapse — the cryptocurrency market has witnessed its fair share of…

  • 5 Biggest Lessons Learned in 2022.



    It was a cold January day in 2009 when a pseudonymous developer named Satoshi Nakamoto created Bitcoin with zero pomp and fanfare. Today, Bitcoin has a market cap of $440 Billion (as of January 2023). Simultaneously, over 21,000 cryptocurrencies exist as of 2022. Cryptocurrencies have truly hit the mainstream markets and how. But, let’s be…

  • Top Landslide Devaluations in Cryptocurrency



    2022 was a game-changer in the history of cryptocurrency. The cryptocurrency market not only had a significant course correction, but several coins also crashed. From a technological standpoint, one of the most awaited events in cryptocurrency history, the Ethereum merger, was a success. However, cryptocurrencies were on an unending downfall. The crypto market lost more…